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Land Use: Agriculture, Forestry, Waste Management 2018

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jun 1, 2017 12:00 EDT - Sep 10, 2017 06:00 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

Sep 10, 2017 06:00 EDT - Oct 20, 2017 09:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Oct 20, 2017 09:00 EDT - Nov 6, 2017 06:00 EST
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Nov 6, 2017 06:00 EST - Dec 18, 2017 12:00 EST
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Dec 18, 2017 12:00 EST - Jan 15, 2018 11:00 EST
Winners are awarded

Jan 15, 2018 11:00 EST
What initiatives, policies, and technologies can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and waste?

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agriculture, livestock, forestry, and other land use are responsible for 24% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Waste management accounts for an important part of overall industry emissions which are estimated to be 21% of total GHG emissions.

Opportunities exist, however, for improved land use to reduce and/or sequester significant amounts of GHGs from the atmosphere, while creating more resilient landscapes that increase food security, water availability, energy supply, and human well-being and resilience. This contest seeks proposals on sustainable land and waste management practices that can be effectively implemented and brought to scale, in order to significantly address the challenges of climate change. What initiatives, policies, and technologies can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use change, including agriculture, livestock, forestry, and waste management? How can these be achieved while ensuring food, water, and energy security?

53 Proposals
Restoring degraded cropland and forests using sustainable farming methods and tree-planting.
A REDD+, community-based solution to benefit 2,500 Colombian farming families, climate and biodiversity in a context of territorial peace.
Mapping Farmers to Labourers to help redirect crop residue for cultivating Oyster Mushroom reducing pollution and ensuring employability
Systems dynamics modelling approach to address unsustainable extraction of fuelwood from forests and promote adoption of clean technologies
The SALT approach will be adapted to offer hill tribes a sustainable and climate smart alternative to shifting cultivation.
We launch farmer-led micro businesses to restore soil fertility and sequester carbon through earthworm composting in India.
Open Source software for designing, implementing and maintaining sustainable human habitats using permaculture as a design system.
Management of residues from mining, charcoal and sewage meets agriculture, forestry and the interest of financial markets
Waste-to-Energy: MSW recycling through innovative technology to generate thermal briquettes without separating the waste components
The project explores how waste management in poultry and piggery farms can reduce emissions while ensuring clean energy to the farms.
Vast acreages of unplanted land can be planted in trees, e.g. interstate highway medians. Today these lands are just being mowed.
educating and empowering young people to exploit the business opportunities available in waste; hence nurture a generation of Wastepreneurs
Paddy microbial fuel cell concept will be applied to track plant, soil, and microbes' health accompanied with methane mitigation.
Use of nitrapyrin along with urea fertilizer can mitigate nitrous oxide emissions and help in nitrogen fertilizer management in soil.
An innovative model of textile cutting waste management combined with poverty reduction and women empowerment reducing CO2 emission.
An interactive online platform to explore pathways scenarios for agricultural growth to achieve food security under climate change
Tek! mobile app provides urban families with experience of a curated content stream of own or family purchases and consumption.
Climate- smart rice farming can reduce GHG emissions while ensuring increased productivity and food security for small holding farmers.
Aab-e-hayaat can absorb water up to 1000x of its own weight. When mixed in soil, it releases macro nutrients that are required by the crop.
This project aims to use FLyash -Keratin Mixture as Soil Quality Enhancer and also a potential Replacement to Fertilizers.
The beekeeping project will promote conservation and tackling poverty at the grassroots level.
We offer a waste management solution for food businesses, collecting and processing organic waste into animal feed.
Adopting renewable energy technologies for emission-free and low-cost agricultural irrigation and thus progressing toward achieving SDG 7.
Equipamento de fabrico relativamente simples, que possibilita o reaproveitamento de detritos para gerar gás e adubo e que salva a natureza.
We are introducing farms to our schools, colleges, universities, education, and cities.
International Society for Promotion of Most Effective Use of Human Excreta & Waste: MIT Initiative
Pour assurer la gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Il va dans notre intérêt, d’adopter des systèmes qui respecte l’environnement.
We import all our industrial hemp from